Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) References
This library contains various reference documents created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other sources. Any reference document we list in any of the other Committee created documents will be placed in this library.
Campus CERT Starter Guide
The Campus CERT Starter Guide is designed to assist anyone interested in starting a Campus CERT program, whether that person is a Campus Safety staff member, a faculty member, a student, or another member of the campus community.
Added July 2022 – Campus CERT Starter Guide – FEMA – October 2015
CERT Liability Guide
Although CERT programs differ in some ways, they share the potential to offer substantial benefits to their sponsoring organizations, their communities, and their members. As with any activity, however, there is risk. Although not common in CERT program activities, bodily injuries, illnesses, property damage, and other harmful events can result in adverse consequences for the sponsoring agency or organization, the CERT, or the CERT members, trainers, leaders, and affiliates. Some of these consequences are direct: lawsuits, settlements, payment of benefits to injured CERT members, attorney’s fees, court costs, and civil and criminal penalties under state law. Others are indirect, including the following: disruption of relationships, damage to reputation, and increased insurance costs. In this Guide, we refer to risk and its adverse consequences for brevity purposes as “liability.â€
Added July 2022 – CERT Liability Guide – FEMA – November 2015
CERT Team Registration User Guide
The Preparedness Community is FEMA’s online webspace for connecting individuals to preparedness programs, including CERT. You can now register, join, or login to update information about your CERT program. You may also find and connect with a local CERT program using the newly designed CERT Community site.
Added July 2022 – CERT Team Registration User Guide – April 2021
Recruitment & Retention Guide
Understanding volunteerism today and for the future. There are many reasons why people choose to volunteer, and furthermore, why they choose to continue volunteering. Understanding these reasons is key to finding, recruiting, motivating, and retaining volunteers.
Added July 2022 – Recruitment and Retention Guide – Fire Corps – 2010
Managing Spontaneous Volunteers
When disaster – natural or man-made – strikes a community, specific emergency management and nonprofit organizations automatically respond according to a pre-established plan. Each of these designated organizations has a specific role to play in ensuring an effective response to and recovery from the disaster’s devastation. Yet one element within the present system continues to pose a challenge: spontaneous, unaffiliated volunteers.
Starting and Maintaining CERT
Initially, CERT programs were developed to assist communities in taking care of themselves in the aftermath of a major disaster when first responders are overwhelmed or unable to respond because of communication or transportation difficulties. As the CERT concept has taken hold across the country, however, CERTs have become much more than originally envisioned. CERTs have proven themselves to be an active and vital part of their communities’ preparedness and response capability.
Added July 2022 – Starting and Maintaining a CERT Program – FEMA – 2002
State Liability Laws for Charitable Organizations and Volunteers
Good Samaritan Laws. Volunteer Protection. Volunteer Immunity. Liability Limitation. Shield Laws. Charitable Immunity. These terms, which have significant, as well as subtle distinctions, have been used to describe laws that protect people and organizations in the nonprofit sector from claims, lawsuits and allegations of wrongdoing.
The Teen CERT concept was created to address preparedness and response capabilities from within high schools. While many schools have taken measures to provide for site security analysis and equipment, more effort is needed to train staff and students in school security and emergency response procedures, and to involve youth in the country’s overall emergency preparedness and response plans. Teen CERT aims to train students in emergency preparedness and basic response to ensure that they have the skills needed to protect themselves, and assist others, in the event of an emergency.
Added July 2022 – Teen CERT: Launching and Maintaining the Training – FEMA – March 2012
Volunteer Liability
A 2009 letter to the I-SERVE Program from the Iowa Department of Justice regarding volunteer liability.
Workplace CERT Starter Guide
A Workplace CERT program can support and enhance existing capabilities, and CERT volunteers can participate in efforts to increase the preparedness and resilience of the workplace and community. A Workplace CERT program equips employees with skills that enable them to perform basic disaster response operations in an emergency. Having trained volunteers available on staff helps protect the health, safety, and lives of people at your workplace. Workplace CERT volunteers are trained using the CERT Basic Training curriculum.
Added July 2022 – Workplace CERT: Starter Guide – FEMA – March 2016
Retention and Recruitment for the Volunteer Emergency Services
Although the recruitment and retention challenges continue to grow, some volunteer organizations maintain good membership while others continue to function with reduced numbers. Those organizations that seek solutions and adapt to our changing personnel environment are successful.
Leadership and Influence
Being able to lead others to motivate them to commit their energies and expertise to achieving the shared mission and goals of the emergency management system is a necessary and vital part of every emergency manager, planner, and responder’s job. This course is designed to improve your leadership and influence skills.
Added July 2022 – Leadership and Influence: Independent Study – FEMA – December 2005
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Being able to make decisions and solve problems effectively is a necessary and vital part of the job for every emergency manager, planner, and responder. This course is designed to improve your decision-making skills.
Added July 2022 – Decision Making and Problem Solving: Independent Study – FEMA – November 2005
Developing and Managing Volunteers
This course offers training in identifying volunteer resources and recruiting, assigning, training, supervising, evaluating, and motivating volunteers. The course also focuses on coordinating with voluntary agencies (VOLAGs), Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD), community-based organizations (CBOs), such as church groups or food banks, professional groups, such as physicians and mental health counselors, and business and industry.
Added July 2022 – Developing and Managing Volunteers: Independent Study – FEMA – February 2006
Starting a Community Emergency Response Team Guidelines and Recommendations
The purpose of this guide is to provide information and helpful advice to those looking to start a CERT in their community. What is the Purpose of the CERT Program? The CERT Program was first piloted in 1986 when the City of Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) recognized that citizens very likely would have to respond on their own in the early stages of a disaster or emergency. The purpose of a CERT Program is to train and organize community members.
Added September 2023 – How to Start a CERT Program November 2022
Community Emergency Response Team Program Guide
The Community Emergency Response Team Program Guide provides an overview of the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program and explains the requirements each CERT Program must meet to remain officially recognized.
Added September 2023 – CERT Program Guide November 2022
NFPA 1584 Fact Sheet
The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) standard 1584, Rehabilitation for Emergency Operations and Training is the basis for responder rehabilitation. This is a fact sheet on that standard from the NFPA.
Added September 2023 – NFPA1584 FactSheet
U.S. Fire Administration Emergency Incident Rehabilitation
The USFA is committed to working with the major national level fire service organizations in reducing fire-fighter fatalities in the U.S. Numerous programs, research efforts, and other work are being done to support/ reach this goal. As part of the effort, the USFA determined that the 1992 FA-114, Emergency Incident Rehabilitation report needed to be updated to ensure that the latest information on the care of firefighters engaged in emergency scene and training operations was made available.
Added September 2023 – FA_314 Emergency Incident Rehabilitation February 2008
American Red Cross Sheltering Handbook
This handbook provides guidance for Red Cross shelter operations, including supervision of a shelter. It presents general information about the shelter worker’s role in the sheltering process and the relief operation and includes tools and checklists to help you plan, open, operate and close a Red Cross shelter.
Added September 2023 – American Red Cross Sheltering Handbook May 2012
Americans with Disabilities Act Checklist for Emergency Shelters
In order to be prepared for an emergency that requires sheltering, accessible features should be part of an emergency shelter. A first step to providing an accessible shelter is to identify any physical barriers that exist that will prevent access to people with disabilities. U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section web site is the source of this checklist.
Added September 2023 – ADA Checklist for Emergency Shelters December 2010
Disaster Sheltering and Housing Strategy
The Sheltering and Housing Strategy provides an assessment and recommendations for sheltering and housing assistance to survivors impacted by disaster FEMA-4562-DR-OR. The strategy will be a guide in determining the need for temporary housing options beyond congregate sheltering.
Added September 2023 – FEMA-Disaster-Sheltering-Housing-Strategy-DR4562
Shelter Field Guide
The Shelter Field Guide is intended to provide organizations without prior disaster experience with a basic overview of shelter operations that will help them to open and manage an emergency shelter. The Guide also contains information helpful to organizations that may wish to support the operation of a shelter, such as churches, service clubs, or businesses. The