What is a COAD?
A Community Organization Active in Disaster (COAD) is a community organization, based within a community or geographic area, made up of representatives from public, private, volunteer, and nonprofit agencies and organizations who may be active in all phases of a disaster: mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.
A COADs goals include:
- Establish and strengthen area-wide communication, coordination, cooperation, and collaboration
- Enhance the community’s ability to prepare, respond, recover, and mitigate
- Alleviate the suffering caused by disasters
- Develop a coordinated approach to resources and human services
- Develop plans, training, and exercises for disaster operations
What is a LTRG?
A long term recovery group (LTRG) is a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and families as they recover from disaster.
LTRGs are as varied in their structure as are the communities in which they work. The personality and operation of each group is unique and reflects local needs, available resources, cultural diversity, leadership style, and community support. No matter how a group is structured or what it calls itself the goal is the same: to unite recovery resources with community needs in order to ensure that even the most vulnerable in the community recover from a specific disaster.
How Does the IDHRC Support COADs and LTRGs?
The IDHRC is proud to support the 26 active COADs and LTRGs throughout Iowa. As an organization, we exist to help support the establishment and sustainment of COADs and LTRGs. By partnering with the IDHRC, COADs and LTRGs are able to create a network and maintain connections across the state; obtain and share resources; and communicate effectively before, during, and after a disaster.
COAD/LTR Support Committee
The purpose of the COAD/LTR Support Committee is to provide assistance to communities, counties and regions in the formation of COAD, VOAD or LTR organizations, and help such organizations to remain viable during periods between disasters. To learn more about this group or for resources related to COAD’s and LTRG’s email us at [email protected].