This committee focuses on ensuring accessibility for all Iowans when planning, preparing and responding to disaster. The committee provides technical assistance and support in establishing accessible disaster shelters that meet ADA, American’s with Disabilities Act standards. The committee has created templates available for planners and county emergency managers to use. Site visits are also available. […]
The Iowa Disaster Human Resource Council invites COADs, LTRGs, and interested individuals to attend a virtual tabletop focused on the disaster recovery phase. Join us to learn about: Strengthening disaster relationships Enhancing coordination Roles, responsibilities and coordination during disaster recovery. Please register at Questions, please email [email protected]
This committee provides an annual review/audit of the accounts of the IDHRC as maintained by the Treasurer; in coordination with the Executive Committee and other committee chairs, establishes an annual budget; works with the Unmet Needs Committee to establish fiscal policy associated with responding to unmet needs. If you are interested in learning more about […]