“211 is a free, comprehensive information and referral system linking Iowa and Nebraska residents to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services, and governmental programs. 211 is...

An interactive live map of flood watches, advisories, and alerts throughout the state of Iowa. Also includes weather conditions, forecasts, public health alerts, and more.


Public health is a partnership of local public health, IDPH, non-profit organizations, health care providers, policymakers, businesses and many others working together to protect and improve the health of...

Check the CDC website for current health and safety updates.

Advice on volunteer management and data tracking in a pandemic environment. Provided by Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management & Volunteer Iowa.

Tips for social distancing, quarantine, and isolation during an infectious disease outbreak. Provided by SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration).

A resource for older adults who are more vulnerable to coronavirus compiled by multiple partner agencies in Iowa.

The Iowa Department of Public Health urges Iowa businesses and organizations to donate extra PPE to health care providers and facilities to assist during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These guidelines for operating shelters in a COVID-19 environment are provided as a public service and are still under development, review and subject to change based on changing CDC...